Персональные регистраторы и измерители электромагнитного поля



About US

Our Vision:

Radmeters was established in 2009 with a number of goals, one of which set the tone for all others. This main goal was to see that as many people as possible became aware of, and become involved in, their own personal safety. Electromagnetic radiation is real. Only the consequence of extended contact, at what difference of potential, and for what duration seems to be in question. We will look into Electromagnetic Radiation more deeply on another page. Returning to our vision; shouldn’t a couple out searching for the home of their dreams insist that their real-estate agent have what meters were necessary with him/her, to assure the potential owners that the house is indeed safe? How about the expectant parents just now learning about possible unseen hazards within their home? Wouldn’t they want their house given an ok before bringing home the newborn? Of course the answers to all these questions are yes. We hope that you’re beginning to see what our main vision means to us. The reason for this website is twofold. First, we are indeed an online business trying to keep our heads above water, like many of you I would expect. Secondly, this website is here to educate people unaware of the unseen hazards that may surround them.

Team Expertise:

We are a team of experts with many years of experience in the subject of Electromagnetic Radiation. We remain current in new research being conducted as well as existing studies. We are connected with physicists and doctors specializing in this field, with an emphasis on the effects to the human body. We have the expertise, we have the knowhow, and we have the products to keep you and your family safe. Contact us with your questions and we will do our very best to get an answer for you within 48 hours.

Educating the public:

In another section on this website we will tell you what Electromotive Force is, Induced Voltage, Static Electricity and of course Electromagnetic Radiation. Even before leaning about all those interesting topics, we will spend just enough time learning about Electricity and how it is made, transported long distances and then arriving in our homes bringing us every conceivable convenience. Yes, electricity is where we will begin and along the way perhaps we may find an opportunity or two to discuss common misconceptions such as, “oh, those electrical wires won’t hurt Billy being next to his new tree house, because the power company only puts up wires covered in rubber.” Wrong, the high powered wires up on the poles and often among your tree limbs have no insulation at all. One touch can kill you. More to come later on the, “Educating the public”, page.

Your Radmeters team.


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