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Shielding Paint 1 Litre


Shielding paint 1 litreYSHIELD - HSF54 ---- $89.90 (free shipping)
Protects from high and low frequencies

Shielding paint for interior and exterior shielding against high-frequency radiation (HF) and low-frequency electric fields (LF). Based on a high quality pure-acrylic binder, this shielding paint offers a perfect compromise of excellent shielding attenuation, high water resistance and good ecology.
Grounding essential! Please see the ground-connection set.




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  • For interior and exterior application
  • Attenuation in a single-layer coat: Up to 40 dB (99.99 % shielding effectiveness).
  • Breathable, low-emission, solvent-free.
  • Durably corrosion resistant, without metal particles.
  • Yield for interior application: 7.5 m²/ l, exterior application: 5 m²/l.
  • Excellent adhesion on different surfaces in the interior and exterior, e.g. on older coatings, plasterings, concrete, styrofoam, wood, etc.
  • Colour: black. Can easily be overcoated with all kinds of emulsion paints.

 Yshield - Graph


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